Sunday, January 31, 2010

ACS Basketball 2010

Our basketball season here at the American College is getting into full swing. We held try-outs in December, right before the winter break, and ended up keeping 26 kids from 8th -12th grades. They all worked hard and deserved a place on the team. We played two games thus far, and both were over pretty early. The main rotation, a group of about 8 kids, primarily seniors, pretty much dominated on both sides of the ball and built up big leads. This gave me a chance to play a lot of the younger guys, which is always nice.

Here are our new uniforms:

Although definitely on the baggy side of size, these uniforms will prevent further matches where our kids are wearing five or six different tops, shorts that don't match, and pretty much looking like a rag-tag bunch of homeless basketball players.

We have a big trip to Bucharest in two weeks for our second year of participation in the Vampire Classic. We will be playing a series of games with the American International School of Bucharest and the American School of Brussels.

After that, at the end of February, the Anglo-American School of Sofia will be hosting a 6-team tournament, with two visiting international schools - Belgrade and Skopje - playing with us, and a couple of other schools. I think Vlade Divac's kid plays on the Belgrade team.

We will finish our season in March with the ACS Open. The field is yet to be determined, but we will have two teams participating in this tournament. Hopefully we can go all the way, something that has not been done in many, many years.

Check back here for more updates.

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