Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bobby's First Month

Well, Bobby is almost one month old.  He has a few tricks- eating, sleeping, pooping, crying-- and maybe...just maybe smiling. We are still unsure if it is a real smile.  But here's what he's been up to:

Testing his vocal chords:

Enjoying his cozy hospital bed:

Lovin' his new patio furniture (and his Mom):

Gettin' a little snarky:

Helping his Dad grade IB essays:

Refusing to sleep anywhere but his carseat:

Looking just like his Dad- Kate who?

Having coffee at his favorite place- Cafe du Village- he even got a free coffee for being born (and he was nice enough to give it to his Mom!):

Breaking free from his swaddle-- all the time:

Rolling his eyes at his Mom's jokes:

Cheering for the birth of his future wife (as long as she brings a good dowry) Eliza Kahle Jones:

Learning how to kick...and kick and kick- and it seems as though he's gonna be tall with those long legs and big feet:

Soaking up the love from his proud Pops:

And...gettin' jiggy wit it:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome Robert De Filippis Branch!!!

Bobby Branch is here!!  Here is the happy new family:

Here he is with his Gran-Nanne who arrived literally in the nick of time (as I went into labor right when the driver was texting Mike that it was time to head to the airport to pick Gran-Nanne up! Luckily our friend Alison jumped in the van and found her at the airport!!).  Here she is meeting her grandson for the first time:

Bobby's name comes from our families.  He has great uncles on both sides with the name Robert-- one of whom, Bobby McKenna, is still alive and promising baby sitting services as we speak.  (HA!) In addition, his Gran-Nanne's maiden name (Kate's mom) was Roberts.  The De Filippis of his middle name comes from the last name of his Italian Great-Grandmother (Mike's Grandmother)-- we wanted something Italian since Mike and I met and were married in Rome.  We gave him the last name Branch because McKenna-Branch seemed hard to learn how to spell-- and if he is anything like his Mom, spelling won't be one of his signature strengths :)

Although he has this great new name, he knows that many of you might still want to call him "Twig."  That's fine by his us- but here's what he had to say about it: