Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thank You Mr Putin

Over here in Bulgaria we are just re-enacting the good ol' days with freezing temperatures and no heat. Our friends over in Russia are having a little dispute with their disliked neighbor, the Ukraine. At 3 am all gas supplies from Russia through the Ukraine were stopped. That gas is used by numerous nations over here on the west side. So, Bulgarians, along with Romanians, Hungarians, Macedonians, some Greeks, a few Turkish, and many others, are without gas. No gas = no heat. Not such a big deal in 74 degree weather, but when it's 25 degrees, it matters.

A law in Bulgaria says that all classrooms need to be above a certain temperature, and today we dipped below that mark, forcing ACS to shut down for two days. We have been awarded a four day weekend, although these days will be made up.

Some optimists believe that Bulgaria has the ability to use other sources for heat, however I seriously doubt that within the next week or two they can get their diesel power going. The ONLY way this ends is by massive international pressure on Russia. Who knows what Mr. Putin will do, but he is as likely to resist all of this as he is to cave to the pressure.

So, my California butt is bundled like it has never been bundled before, and we wait, and tonight we celebrate with bowling and beers.

Nas Drave,

1 comment:

JDStephens said...

Yeah, I share your dubiousness about this being resolved so quickly. In the meantime, I'll have no qualms about wearing whatever it takes to stay warm, dress code be damned.